Struggling? Take A Course!

Are you struggling with writing and figuring out what and how to write? I sound like an infomercial, but take a creative writing course! When I saw that there was a creative writing course I could take this year in high school, I was all over it. And really, it helped! I can see a difference in my writing just from the several weeks of the course. You could even take a writing 101 course, if you desire.

Not only did I have peer reviews from multiple people, I was kind of forced to try new types of writing. I thought I sucked at poetry until I gave it a try and I found it it’s easier than you think. I got to write memoirs, and fiction. I got to write poetry and even make a multi-media presentations for one of my writing pieces. I got to practice being more descriptive, using stronger words, using different types of writing styles and using good verbs. All were very helpful.

You don’t even have to go outside or put on pants to take a creative writing course. There’s tons of courses online. I even took mine online (I’m cyber-schooled). So, if you feel like your writing needs a little tweaking or work, or you just want the experience, I would definitely recommend taking a class. It’s very enjoyable!

With love, Ms. Beka Mae

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